John gutted the apartment, reduce holes for three new windows, stripped the plaster off the partitions, and finished the ¬exposed lath inside with a darkish stain and polyurethane. He ¬refinished the heart-pine flooring and gave the uncovered rafters five coats of white paint. Then, to finish the loft look, John hung an AC duct practically the size of the attic, monitor lighting, and a classic wooden airplane propeller.

Steal This Look: The New Parisian Apartment Bed Room

If you wish to have guests over incessantly and lease value is less of a concern, a 1-bedroom apartment makes sense for you. The software process for a studio condo mimics that of another rental process, which means there must be very few surprises. When looking for a studio house, you’ll need to contemplate which facilities you’d like most in your condo. To discover a studio house, you’ll have to slender down your options beginning with your budget, preferences, and commute. Here are the steps to comply with to search out your dream studio house.

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